Let’s take a walk down miracle lane: Noah built that huge ark that saved mankind; Daniel slept with lions and had a great night’s sleep; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walked in the fiery furnace and lived to tell about it; David slew Goliath with a sling shot and a rock; Jonah lounged in the belly of a huge fish for three days and three nights; Peter walked on water, and the list goes on. God used all of these men to bring glory to His name.
Usually, when people think of these miracles, they feel they cannot be useful to God. Remember, Jesus was more ordinary than any of us. He was a carpenter’s son who lived among His people and did the things that were significant to His family’s lineage. Listen, I am not asking for us to be some type of superhero, but in our ordinary living, live as giants for God. Let me make it clear, what we see as God’s extraordinary is really His ordinary. We can do great things for God if we give Him our ordinary. Whatever it is you have; God can use it.
Stand tall and watch God move among His people. God can use ordinary people, like us, to do extraordinary things for Him. In the greater scheme of things, God chooses ordinary people far more often than not. And it’s probably because there are so many of us to be chosen.
Here’s a challenge for you. Are you willing to put your little into the Master’s hands?
It’s time we find ourselves reaching areas that are considered off limits. God is waiting for us to move out of our comfort zone and do what He has commanded us to do. We need to get uncomfortable and make a stand for what we know is right.
These people were used by God, but remember, they were already in God’s corner. They were primed for good works because they were already in position to be used by God for God’s Divine purpose.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
In position….🙌🏾